Body care|Body wash
ざらつきの原因となる、古い角質や毛穴汚れをオフ。美容成分*配合の軽やかなホイップ泡ですっきり洗って、肌つるんとうるおう。●ホワイトクレイ配合:カオリン(洗浄) ●ヨーグルト美容成分配合:*ヨーグルトエキス・グリセリン(保湿)○ピーチ&フルーティーの香り
Registered name
Peach & Fruity Scent
● Do not use the product on sensitive or problem areas, such as wounds and rashes.
● Stop using the product and consult a dermatologist if it does not suit your skin, or you experience redness, swelling, itching, or irritation, or if the above conditions appear after your skin is exposed to sunlight. Continuing to use the product may worsen these symptoms.
● Avoid contact with eyes. If the product gets in your eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water. Consult an ophthalmologist if discomfort persists.
● If there is difficulty tearing the spout by hand, open by using scissors.
Place of origin
Made in Japan
ニベア エンジェルスキン ボディウォッシュ ピーチ&フルーティーの香り 詰替
EAN code